git –version
Set user name and email
git config –list ( for list all configuration settings)
git config –global “abhinav”
git config –global “”
Remove git added file:
git reset <filename>
Remove git commit file: local changes will not remove
git reset HEAD^
git reset HEAD ~ 1
Remove git commit with changes:
git reset –hard HEAD^
Create Git .ignore file by command
touch .gitignore
touch .gitignore
Ignore git tracked file:
git rm –cached a.log
git rm -r –cached logs
Exclude from the management of Git
git update index –assume-unchanged .env.example
Restore to the management of Git
git update index –no-assume-unchanged .env.example
Create branch from local:
git checkout -b new_branch_name
Move code from One git account to Another one:
git remote set-url origin GIT-HTTP-URL (from first account)
git pull origin BRANCH-NAME
git remote set-url origin GIT-HTTP-URL (from second account)
git push origin BRANCH-NAME ( or you can create new branch on local then push that branch)
If you want to save some file for work later or ignore files while branch change then you can save file by git stash
git stash — file_name